Friday, October 31, 2008

Dressing up

Ellie and Trip wore their pajamas/costumes all day today including on
the train all the way to an ocean theme park in Yokohama. They got
some smiles from weary Tokyo rush hour commuters and plenty of
interest from the seals, dolphins, and beluga whales we saw today. We
went out with a pocketfull of bat rings to hand out to anyone showing
Halloween spirit, but only saw one girl in costume. Then again, we
were pooped and headed back to watch a Halloween movie by 4:30 in the
afternoon. Pizza was a special treat for dinner as well as unlimited
access to a big bag of assorted Japanese sweets for dessert. Ellie
said that even though they didn't go Trick or Treating, it was the
best Halloween ever. After the kids went to bed, I broke out Mommy's
chocolate stash and ate as many as I wanted. And that's what we did on
Halloween. All the kids at home are waking up about now and getting
their costumes ready for school. Have fun!

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