Thursday, November 20, 2008

Memo to Friendly's

At home, Ellie and Trip love to eat at Friendly's. Not far from our
apartment is a chain restaurant called Jonathan's that is kind of like
a 24 hour Japanese Friendly's.

They have one trick that the kids LOVE. Their pancakes come with a
chocolate crayon: a crayon shaped plastic tube filled with liquid
chocolate that the kids can use to draw or write. In this picture,
Ellie has drawn a picture of herself and is practicing writing her
name in Japanese.


Unknown said...

There's really a friendly's there !!!
That's so cool!!!

Anonymous said...

Do they really taste like pancakes?

Anonymous said...

And I was thinking that having pancakes again next week was going to be a big treat!

Anonymous said...

For Chanukah, they serve latkes (potato pancakes) and they give you sour cream and applesauce crayons!