Saturday, November 1, 2008

Birthday cake extraordinaire

These are the kinds of fancy goodies they sell in the basement food
halls of department stores. Since Polk entertained the kids all day, I
waited until Ellie and Trip were good and asleep then brought these
home to share.


Kate said...

Happy Birthday, Sunny! We hope you are still celebrating because it is still your birthday here.
Love, Kate and Zach
P.S. Those Luxemburgli are so good - I had them for the first time in Zurich. Do they call them something else in Japan?

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday a little late. I'm just getting up to speed on this jet-setting, internet posting way of life. It is midnight here in Palermo, Sicily but it sure was good to catch up with you all. It sounds like you are all having a ball. On to Egypt tomorrow, and flat Ellie will be with us. Love, Mom